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Table No. 2   Sensible Heat Percentage for Direct Expansion Cooling
    Entering Air Temperatures
    80° DB 67° WB 82° DB 69°WB 85° DB 70° WB
Refrigerant Temperature Coil Face Velocity 4 Rows 5 Rows 6 Rows 8 Rows 4 Rows 5 Rows 6 Rows 8 Rows 4 Rows 5 Rows 6 Rows 8 Rows
35° F 600 78.00 69.00 66.70 62.30 66.70 64.50 61.80 60.00 69.50 67.50 64.50 62.50
  500 69.00 67.10 64.10 62.10 66.30 62.50 60.60 59.20 68.00 65.90 63.70 61.80
  400 68.00 64.50 62.90 61.80 63.70 61.40 60.00 58.10 65.40 63.70 62.50 60.30
40° F 600 66.00 65.00 66.60 62.00 71.00 68.40 65.50 62.80 74.70 71.00 67.50 66.00
  500 65.30 64.10 63.20 60.80 68.00 66.00 64.20 62.40 72.00 67.50 66.30 63.30
  400 64.40 60.00 57.80 56.80 64.00 64.20 62.50 60.80 70.05 66.70 65.00 62.50
45° F 600 83.40 81.40 77.00 71.50 75.80 73.90 72.00 68.00 80.60 77.60 73.00 70.00
  500 80.00 77.00 74.10 70.00 74.00 71.00 68.50 65.40 79.00 74.00 71.50 68.50
  400 77.00 74.70 71.50 68.00 72.50 67.10 66.30 63.70 74.00 69.60 65.00 66.30
50°F 600 99.90 96.10 91.80 84.00 92.50 87.00 82.70 77.00 99.90 87.70 84.80 81.30
  500 99.90 94.40 89.40 81.40 88.50 84.90 80.00 74.10 95.30 87.00 84.70 78.10
  400 96.00 87.00 82.70 78.80 84.80 80.70 76.40 70.50 88.50 83.40 81.30 76.40












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